Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Voglio tornare!

2 full weeks!

Only two full weeks left! and then two days of finals and then HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS! One month of no classes, no professors droning on and on about things I could care less about. One month not having to deal with annoying people who haven't left the high school mentality behind!
I can't wait! I can't wait to see my family, to see my family for more than 4 days! It's just an exciting time. Unfortunately I have to miss my dad's birthday which is the week before I go home, so at least it's around the same time.

So Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat! Thanksgiving was good, I had two Thanksgiving celebrations, and I was a little bit tipsy for both. But it's not my fault when we started the day with mimosas and there was more champange at my uncle's house, and then at our house the next night. I can't resist the bubbly! haha.
Day one on my advent calender (yes I am a child at heart and still use advent calenders every year) has one door open. Today was holly! The advent calender also gave me the herpes of craft supplies, glitter, it's gonna be around for awhile.

Finals, I am not looking forward to those. I need to do a bang-up job on each one so that I can be certain I'm passing my courses. Well ok I need to do a smashing job on my anatomy final, that's the only class I'm iffy about. Other than that I have some faith in myself, and I'll hopefully do alright.

Oh that's a picture of one of my cats, Niko, enjoying her pumpkin

Keep calm and carry on

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sitting in the dark

It's not actually dark out, well maybe a bit cloudy but the lights are off and the shades are drawn so it's dark in here. Only the soft artificial glow of the T.V. to illuminate the room, the volume on low so we can barely hear Tyra. Oh well. It's almost been a month so I figured it was time for a bit of an update. Which isn't much. My birthday was two days ago but whatever....uhhh we started dissections.....besides that nothing else.

However as we all know Thanksgiving (NOT CHRISTMAS) is just around the corner. But there are already Christmas specials on, christmas music, and christmas shopping commercials on. People there is one more holiday, let's not jump the gun hokay? Black Friday hasn't even happened!!!! It's just too much. Christmas... well first off don't get me wrong, I love Christmas I really do, but I think that Christmas should stay quiet until December. The day after Halloween there were Christmas commercials!!! I mean really?! It's not like we've forgotten when Christmas is, and K-mart lay away? We know!! the K-mart commercials are on all year long, they can think of anything to push the lay-away bit, so cool it, you aren't making me want to use lay-away by shoving it down my throat every month. Next thing you know it's going to be Easter lay-away.

I dunno that just really bugs me. It isn't time yet. So lets step back world! Let's take a breather and enjoy the month and season that we're in. In the world we live in everything moves too fast, so lets not have holidays, deep rooted traditions do the same. It's not going to make them better, it's not going to make us feel better. Everyone just needs to take a breath and slow down.

Keep Calm and Carry On

Monday, October 19, 2009

On the bed (I'm green!)

Back in the dorm, back in MA. I dunno how I feel about being back, it's nicer being home but I guess it's good to be back. Whatever today was good, perhaps a tad uneventful, but good all the same. On a side note, don't eat dinner before 5, you'll feel hungry in 5 hours.
My room is decorated for halloween! I get to pass out candy to orphans, which I think is pretty awesome. God I'm so hungry, I may have to go get that box of Nilla wafers. I just realized that I'm not using this blog for what it was originally intended for, oh well, maybe it will but wont at the same time. Who knows, right now it's just nice to type something that isn't a paper or project.

I need all the people on facebook to stop complaining though. A lot of the people on my news feed are complaining about their first paper (this was like a week or so ago, but I'm bringing it up now so deal) and It's like I had to write my first paper within the first two weeks of classes, please don't complain cause no one here did. I mean really? guys we survived high school did you really think that you weren't going to get any papers in college? Yeah that just bugs me that people are complaining about their papers like they've never written one before. I don't want to discourage anyone from putting in their status "gahh!! 5 page paper!!" Go ahead I really don't mind it's the ones that are "I can't believe my prof expects me to write a paper about blah blah blah and it's due in 2 weeks!!" Yeah that, that's what gets to me. God I'm a horrible person, oh well.
Love me or hate me

Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 18th

It's snowing the Patriots are killing the Titans... This is so strange, I can't believe this!! Snow, and it's not even Halloween. I just haven't seen anything like this (football or snow wise). I watched Where The Wildthings Are today, it was depressing and much to serious to be a children's film. The cinema-tography was great, the acting was fantastic, but it was depressing. I loved the book, but this just wasn't it, though I do think that you should see it if you want to.

Last night was the Haunted Hayride, it was freezing and Koda was lame, but that's alright we had Jim and he was great as the Headless Horseman's horse. So we sat in the woods, sat in hay, screamed at wagons, laughed, drank wine and froze our ass's off. It was fantastic! I also went to the Granby flea market yesterday, talk about depressing, half of the sellers didn't show! I did however find a book about the Red Cross girls in the British trenches during WWII.
Last weekend was the Granville Fair, which was alittle bit of a let down. I love it there, the food is great, the booths are fun, there are old books (haha) BUT There was no pie, and no cider donuts. That was horribly sad.

So much for the fall weather I live for! Looks like December is coming early this year, hopefully this snow will be around for Christmas, that would suck if we had a bland christmas and a snowy Halloween. OH well.